SPEAKING 3º EP (1er Trimestre)

Buenas tardes mis niños de 3º EP:

Realizaremos el Speaking el lunes 9 de diciembre. Para ello, debéis hablar de vosotros durante al menos 1 minuto. Ya hemos practicado en clase, pero os pongo un ejemplo muy completo por si os sirve de ayuda. Debéis adaptarlo a vuestros gustos y a vosotros mismos. Esto es sólo una guía, pero es importante que incluya todas estas partes.

Recordad prepararlo en un papel y practicarlo antes. Lo vais a hacer fenomenal. 

Good morning. I am Joe, I’m 8 years old and I’m a student. I’m in 3rd grade. I study at Salesianas School. I’m from Spain. I live in Valdepeñas. Today it’s Monday, 9th December 2024 and It’s cloudy and windy.

I have two brothers and a sister. My brothers are Carlos and Mattias and my sister is Gio. My parents are Luisa and Johan.  We have got a dog. My dog's name is Pongo.

We live in a big house. My favorite room is the garden and my bedroom. There are a lot of flowers in the garden. In my bedroom, there is a bookcase and a big desk. There are three chairs and a cushion too. There is a white rug on the floor, next to the bed. There is a speaker above the desk. There is a big alarm clock, too.

My favorite animal is a frog. It’s a green tree frog. It’s small. It isn’t big. It’s got four legs and big red eyes. It hasn’t got wings or tail. A green tree frog isn’t dangerous. It’s shy and colourful.I love green tree frogs.

And that’s all. Thank you for listening.

¡Mucho animo, campeones!

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